Switchboard Upgrades

Licensed & Insured

24 hours 7 days a week.
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24/7 Emergency Service0407 553 978

Switchboard Upgrades

We offer electrical switchboard upgrade and new installations
Replacing an old or outdated switchboard with a new one to ensure safe and reliable electrical supply within your home or property.

We conduct an assessment: We will inspect and assess your existing switchboard to determine its condition, capacity, and whether it meets current safety standards.

Design the new switchboard: Based on the assessment, the electrician will design a new switchboard that meets your current and future electrical needs.

The old switchboard will be removed, and the new one will be installed. This involves wiring the new switchboard, connecting it to the mains, and testing it to ensure it is working correctly.

Label and document: We will label the circuits and document the new switchboard’s configuration for future reference.

Safety checks: We will conduct safety checks to ensure that the new switchboard is safe and compliant with all electrical regulations.

A final inspection will be conducted to ensure that the new switchboard meets all regulations and standards, and a final testing of the switchboard will be performed to verify its functionality.



Sean Atkinson 0407 553 978

Mailing Address

PO Box 25
Wandin North Vic 3139


Factory 8 / 88 Merrindale Drive
South Croydon  Vic 3136



REC 24714


Services Areas

Yarra Ranges
Dandenong Ranges


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